Development, manufacturing and sales
of innovative drugs

Our Activities

A one-stop solution


Operational excellence


Direct presence in Spain and Portugal


Our Activities

Development Services

A one-stop solution

Drug product formulation is at the core of Pharmaloop. Industry-wide, delivery of pharmaceutical products has taken center stage along with the pharmaceutical products themselves. Advanced delivery systems are the preferred approach for commercialization of new compounds and for the improvement and repurposing of already-known molecules. In addition to safety and efficacy goals, business aspects also drive the use of advanced drug delivery systems. Life-cycle management, cost optimization and market differentiation are clear examples of this.

Pharmaloop has a long track record in the development of advanced delivery systems for many types of drug candidates and sites of action. Since 1955, we have been designing liquid, suspension, powder, solid solution and semisolid formulations. From drug nanoparticles to multiphasic emulsions, Pharmaloop is at the forefront of drug delivery. For these and many more reasons, whether a product is developed at Pharmaloop or elsewhere, we are an excellent choice for clinical and commercial manufacturing.


We are a one-stop solution for any drug product development needs. Our goal is to ensure getting products from discovery to the market as fast as possible, while minimizing development-based risk.
Our contract development services are best suited for pre-clinical, clinical and registration of ophthalmic, otic, nasal and oral medications.

The integration of our pilot plant for solids, semi-solids and liquids (including Blow-Fill-Seal) with our commercial manufacturing site allows us to provide state-of-the-art services that guarantee efficiency and scalability:

– Pre-Formulation
– Formulation Development
– Analytical Development
– Clinical Supplies


Operational excellence

Our contract manufacturing services are best suited for companies requiring support with the production of clinical and small commercial batches. As a privately-owned company we can ensure flexibility, adaptability, and operational excellence.

Available Technologies

As a Salvat Company, Pharmaloop has access to a number of proprietary technology platforms, such as ophthalmic and otic smart nano-emulsions, nasal smart polymers and oral multiparticulate drug delivery systems. Our capabilities span across a wide range of technologies:

Solids: Capsules, sachets, tablets, ODT, pellets, powder, granulation
Semisolids: Gels, creams
Liquids: Eye drops, solutions, suspensions, syrups, Blow-Fill-Seal
Packaging: Blister, ALU/ALU, STRIP


Direct presence in Spain and Portugal

As a Salvat Company, Pharmaloop is part of a sales and marketing team that exceeds 100 collaborators, all of them with vast market expertise across Spain and Portugal.

In addition to our direct sales presence, we have access to other markets through other local, regional and global partners that act as distributors or licensees for our products.

We have a strong reputation amongst doctors and pharmacists, who continue to trust us by prescribing and recommending our products.